What burns never returns has three main interrelated objects of research and it is developed through a creative dialogue between the relative practices: choreography, urban geography-visual art and communication technologies intertwined in an emergent disciplinary field dealing with the human body, the city and the generative code. In order to analyze these trajectories, Alessandro Carboni has started the research in Asia, were urban transformation are more visible: the region of Guangdong called “the Pearl Delta River” as Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Shenzen and also the regions of Guangxi, Sichuan, Henan,Tibet and the city of Beijing. The journey was focused on the exploration and study of the process of landscape transformation called: “high-speed urbanization” and on the most disarticulated forms of urban density. After the Chinese experience, he has involved in this project, through the creation of Platforms of research in Europe, a wide range of contributors, enriching his basic artistic and technical competencies with such figures as urban researchers, media artists and theorists and software programmers, in order to lead a both a performance production and a theoretical contribution.
More info: http://whatburnsneverreturns.wordpress.com/