Project, choreography, visual and scene | Alessandro Carboni
Development and assistance: Chiara Castaldini, Rita Favaretto, Anna Clara Conti
Production: Formati Sensibili
With the support CollaborAction kids - azione del Network Anticorpi XL.
Partner: AMAT - Associazione Marchigiana Attività Teatrali (Marche); Arteven - Circuito Regionale Multidisciplinare (Veneto); Cantieri Danza (Emilia-Romagna); Circuito CLAPS (Lombardia); Fondazione Piemonte dal Vivo (Piemonte); Teatro Pubblico Pugliese (Puglia)
LA Storia di Q is the winning project 2022/2023 edition of CollaborAction kids.
25-30/03: Teatro Comunale di Gambettola, Cesena (Teatro del Drago/Cantieri Danza)
12-17/04: Intercettazioni, Brescia, (Circuito Claps)
17-22/04: Lavanderia a Vapore, Torino (Fondazione Piemonte dal Vivo)
More soon...
La Storia di Q is a project that freely takes its cue from the text Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions, a satirical novella by the English schoolmaster Edwin Abbott in 1884. Starting from this text for adults, the Alessandro Carboni develops a creative path based on figurative imagination and geometric abstraction in a dimension suitable for childhood.
Over the years, Carboni's research has concentrated on a theoretical-practical reflection on the measurement and representation of space, using the body in relation to objects, materials, primary elements such as the point, the line, the surface, the volume. The result is an original visual-performative choreographic practice / synthesis in which minimal aesthetics tends to a radical formal essence. The need has now emerged in the artist to develop a performative project that brings research on Flatland to be appropriately revised for children, while maintaining an aesthetic and an essential, geometric and abstract language.
From a choreographic point of view, the project is based on the construction and crossing of "worlds", the multidimensional spaces proposed in the story by one of its inhabitants - Quadrato - and on the exciting discovery in which he knows the reality of three-dimensional space and the possibilities of movement. using primary forms, objects and the body, the artist develops a spatial score as a dramaturgical element: traveling the space from two-dimensional to three-dimensional and using the stage as a cartographic projection plane.
For the visual and performative creative research and development of the project, the artist and his collaborators will use MM_Metodo Materia, a tool, a work tool designed by Alessandro Carboni, which investigates matter from a performative and dramaturgical point of view. The Story of Q will also be developed in collaboration with Pingelap - art and creative movement for children, an educational project for children conceived with Chiara Castaldini - dance artist in educational contexts: in addition to the residences specifically dedicated to creation, during the of research for the show will be offered to children and communities workshops and overall construction activities, in which we will try to stimulate intuitions and reasoning, so as to favor exchange processes and expand the capacity for imagination and abstraction of reality.